10 Advantages of Home Care Training You Can Use to Improve Your Organization

Stephen Tweed | May 12, 2015 | Newsroom
By Ginny Kenyon Though rewarding, owning and managing a home care agency can be a stressful endeavor. The right training provides numerous benefits that allow you to improve the overall quality of your organization. Below are ten benefits of professional training that helps your home care agency thrive. Caregiver and Aide Home Care Training Chronic…

By Ginny Kenyon

Though rewarding, owning and managing a home care agency can be a stressful endeavor. The right training provides numerous benefits that allow you to improve the overall quality of your organization. Below are ten benefits of professional training that helps your home care ag10173641_xxlency thrive.

Caregiver and Aide Home Care Training

Chronic disease education for aides is a good example of a home care training benefit. Providing this sort of advanced education for your frontline caregivers may cost a little initially, but will reap numerous cost-saving rewards.Here are a few benefits that result from advanced training for aides:

1. Fewer client hospitalizations – With advanced chronic disease education, aides receive training above and beyond what is legally required. They learn to recognize red flags as warning signs, allowing them to seek additional medical help for clients when needed. This leads to a reduction in your number of hospitalizations.

2. Better employee retention rates – Providing advanced education shows employees you are invested in their future. As a result, you’ll have happier aides who are willing to stay with your organization long-term.

3. Career advancement opportunities – On a similar note, aides who want to advance their professional lives will be pleased with available training that provides a career ladder to perhaps a nursing job.

A Home Care Training Benefit for Management

Aides aren’t the only staff members who benefit from home care training. Management experiences the following perks as a result of professional training:

4. Enhanced leadership skills – Sometimes managers get overwhelmed dealing with employees. The right training gives managers the leadership skills required to deal with any situation and handle conflicts before they get out of control.

5. Stress relief – Home care training acts as a stress reliever by giving managers solutions to what would have otherwise been stressful scenarios. When management is happy, it resonates throughout the organization.

Other Benefits of Home Care Training for Your Agency

The benefits of home care training aren’t limited to aides and management. Every member of your organization will see improvement when you participate in professional training. Here are a few more ways your agency will prosper through training:

6. More referrals – Word will get around that your organization makes the extra effort to participate in home care training. This will make both clients and other medical professionals more willing to refer people to you.

7. Improved client satisfaction – Training leads to increased knowledge throughout your agency, which means work gets done in a timely and efficient manner. As a result, clients become satisfied with a job well-done.

8. Knowledge of medical advancement – Without training, it’s difficult to stay on top of ever-changing medical policies and procedures.

9. Improved agency morale – When all staff members within your organization are on the same page because of the training they receive, they are more likely to work together cordially. This boosts the overall morale of your agency.

10. Reduced healthcare costs for clients – Training leads to more efficient client care, meaning a reduction in healthcare costs. Clients and their families will appreciate the effort.

No matter which of these benefits stands out to you – if not all of them – it’s obvious that home care training is crucial in order for your agency to not only survive, but also to thrive.

10 Advantages of Home Care Training You Can Use to Improve Your Organization first Ginny-Kenyonappeared at Kenyon HomeCare Consulting.

Ginny Kenyon is the founder and CEO of Kenyon HomeCare Consulting, a home health consulting firm that gives agencies a market advantage, promotes creative product development, and offers viable ways to achieve and sustain organizational and fiscal success.

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Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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