Exceptional Home Care from the Consumer Perspective

Stephen Tweed | August 1, 2012 | Newsroom
  Put yourself in the shoes of your clients and their families.  What are the elements of home care that are important to them?  What makes home care customers satisfied, dissatisfied, or enthusiastic?  What are the factors they consider when selecting a home care company.Imagine an interactive presentation with a pioneer in Home Care who…


Put yourself in the shoes of your clients and their families.  What are the elements of home care that are important to them?  What makes home care customers satisfied, dissatisfied, or enthusiastic?  What are the factors they consider when selecting a home care company.

Imagine an interactive presentation with a pioneer in Home Care who is also a consumer of home care services who will give you the “customer’s eye view” of an exceptional home care company.  Jason Tweed is the former editor of Private Duty Today, the leading electronic newsletter for owners and CEOs of private duty home care companies.  He’s also physically disabled, lives in a wheelchair, and uses the services of home care on a daily basis.   

Now, you will have an opportunity to hear Jason Tweed live over the internet in the monthly Academy for Private Duty Home Care webinar,  “Exceptional Home Care from the Consumer Perspective.”  The purpose of this webinar is to give our readers, customer, and clients an opportunity to experience Jason in person. Many of you have read his articles, and talked with him on the telephone.  Now, you can have a full hour of Jason as he tells his story, and shares with you his personal experiences of being a consumer of private duty home care services.

Here’s what you’ll get: 

Objectives:  As a result of this presentation, participants will be able to:
1.  Discuss the seven sources of competitive advantage in private duty home care
2.  Describe seven elements of a successful home care company from the customer point of view
3.  Define specific strategies you can use to grow your business and create competitive advantage in your marketplace 

I.  Jason’s life experience as a consumer of home care services
II. Seven Sources of Competitive Advantage in private duty home care
III. Seven elements of the successful home care company from the customer point of view
IV. Strategies and insights to grow your business and create competitive advantage in your marketplace.

Join Jason Tweed for the Live Online Learning Program
Thursday, August 23, 2012
4:00 pm Eastern Time

Register Now!

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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