Focus on the Fundamentals to Conquer the Crisis

Stephen Tweed | January 30, 2017 | Newsroom
By Stephen Tweed I'm really blessed to have some amazing friends all around the world whom I've met through the professional speaking business.  One of them is Mark Eaton, a former All-star player in the NBA for the Utah Jazz.  Mark now speaks professionally around the country and owns a wonderful Italian restaurant in Salt…

By Stephen Tweed

I’m really blessed to have some amazing friends all around the world whom I’ve met through the professional speaking business.  One of them is Mark Eaton, a former All-star player in the NBA for the Utah Jazz.  Mark now speaks professionally around the country and owns a wonderful Italian restaurant in Salt Lake City called Tuscany.

Mark Eaton UT Jazz
Mark Eaton, upper left, starred for the Utah Jazz. Now he is a professional speaker and restaurateur in Salt Lake City.

The other day, I received Mark’s email newsletter about Focus on the Fundamentals.  Here’s what he said:

“When I felt my game slipping a bit, when I couldn’t grab a rebound or find an open shot, I’d call my junior college coach Tom Lubin, sometimes at 3 am! He had given me my start and was always there for me. He would listen to my complaints, then give me simple, concrete suggestions. “Move out from under the basket,” “keep your hands up,” “hustle down the court.” The answers were not sexy, difficult or necessarily what I wanted to hear, but they worked. I got out of my funk and my game improved. He reminded me not to overthink my situation.

What are two or three things you can focus on during first quarter of this new year? What worked well for you last year? 

We need team most when we can’t find the basket. If you stick together, focus on the basics and create simple, executable steps, your game is sure to improve!”

As I was reading Mark’s post, I immediately began to think of my friends and colleagues in the home care business.  Do you have that same experience?  Just can’t seem to grab a rebound or find an open slot?  Just can’t seem to find enough caregivers to meet this week’s shifts?  Can’t find an opening into that high potential referral source?

It all goes back to mastering the fundamentals.  The answers aren’t very sexy, so it’s hard get folks to pay attention.

Focus on the Fundamentals to Conquer the Crisis

That’s what we’re finding in our efforts to Conquer the Caregiver Recruiting and Retention Crisis.  Home Care leaders are looking for the latest, greatest, sexiest, sparkly new thing to attract quality caregivers.  But it’s really about the fundamentals. It’s about:Mark Eaton

  • Creating a Culture of Attraction and Accomplishment
  • Training your team to focus on the caregiver
  • Learning what really matters from your best caregivers
  • Fine tune your recruiting to attract the best
  • Master the selection system so you hire only the best

Caregiver Quality Mastermind Groups Focus on the Fundamentals

Last Thursday, January 26, 2017, we kicked off two new Caregiver Quality Mastermind Groups.  We had two great groups who are really interested in working together to master the fundamentals of recruiting, selecting, training, and retaining top talent on the front line.  There is no magic bullet.  It’s a matter of working together to figure out what works in today’s workforce, and then putting in place systems that you can repeat over and over and over again.

We still have some spaces available, so if you would like to be a part of a non-competing group of home care companies who will come together on a regular basis to share ideas, solve problems, and support one another in attracting and retaining high quality caregivers, then click the link below and sign up.  You can get a feel for what a virtual video mastermind group looks like by watching the video from our organizational meeting that will be emailed to you after you submit the inquiry form.

Our next virtual video meeting will be on February 22, 2017.  Hope to see you then.

Join Now


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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