Free Research Report for our Readers and Members

Stephen Tweed | July 15, 2015 | Newsroom
By Stephen Tweed What's the most effective way to compete with other home care companies in your marketplace?  How do you differentiate your company from your competitors?  What are the most frequently used strategies to gain competitive advantage? These are questions every home care company owner or CEO is asking ... or should be asking.…

By Stephen Tweed

What’s the most effective way to compete with other home care companies in your marketplace?  How do you differentiate your company from your competitors?  What are the most frequently used strategies to gain competitive advantage?

These are questions every home care company owner or CEO is asking … or should be asking.

One of your most important roles is to set your company apart from your competitors to make it easier for consumers or referral sources to choose you.

Ongoing Research from Leading Home Care

One of the important roles we perform at Leading Home Care is to conduct research in the home care industry to identify trends, strategies, and best practices to help you grow your business and get ready for the future.  Over the past decade we have conducted dozens of industry surveys, interviews, and focus groups to identify these trends and strategies. Then we bring them to you through our live workshops, our online learning programs, and our published eBooks and eTools.

Free Research Reports

Our most recent research study has really been going on for a decade, but we continue to update our data.  This study examines the most effective techniques for creating competitive advantage in home care.  The most recent research report, “Dare to Be Different: Seven Steps to Creating Competitive Advantage in Home Health, Hospice, and Private Duty Home Care” is now available and FREE.  In the past, we would write an ebook and sell it to you for $99.00.  This year we are collaborating with our Resource Partners and they have agreed to sponsor these reports and bring them to you at no cost.

Dare to Be DifferentDHT_Stacked_RGB

The first Sponsored Research Report to come out this year is “Dare to be Different”, brought to you by AppointMate and Delta Health Technologies. This report gives you insights into the “seven sources of competitive advantage” and how to make them work for you.  In this report you will get detailed and useful information on:

* Caregiver Quality

* Exceptional Customer Experiences

* The Lake Wobegon Effect

* The Fred FactorCover

* All Business is Show Business

* How to Build a Positive Emotional Experiences

* Using Consumer Marketing to Build Personal Relationships

* Relationship Selling

* Building Brand Awareness

* Specialized Program Packing and Promotion

Get Serious about Competition

If you are serious about making your home care company more competitive, then download this FREE Sponsored Research Report. Read the report in detail and then develop your own personalized competitive strategy.  As you are working through this, if you have questions or need more information, send your questions to and we’ll reply, or call us at 502-339-0653.

Take Action Now!



Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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