By Stephen Tweed

Zig Ziglar was one of the most well-known motivational speakers in the country, if not the world. He was famous for the stories and gestures in his presentation, “See You At The Top.” I had the privilege of knowing Zig and his lovely wife, Jean, through our professional society, The National Speakers Association.
Zig often talked about getting to the top through OPE – Other People’s Experience.
Zig’s other famous saying that has really influenced me personally is, “You can have anything in the world that you want if you help enough other people get what they want.”
As a result of Zig Ziglar and dozens of other award winning professional speakers in NSA, I was able to learn from OPE, and grow a successful speaking, consulting and coaching business serving the home care industry.
As a leader in home care, you too can get to the top with OPE. Over the past 30 years working with home health, hospice, and private duty companies across the US and Canada, I’ve found home care CEOs to be caring compassionate leaders with their clients, patients, families, and employees. I’ve also found home care CEOs willing to share their experience with other leaders of non-competing agencies.
Caring, Sharing, Chief Executive Owners
Over the past four years we have seen the power of caring and sharing CEOs who are members of our Home Care Mastermind Groups, and those owners who are hosts of our Private Duty Field Trips. They are willing, without hesitation, to share what has made them successful with other owners.
This powerful experience led us to totally re-engineer our business at Leading Home Care to focus or working with CEOs in the top tier of home care and hospice, and to rename and re-brand The Academy for Private Duty Home Care.
Connecting Top Tier CEOs
The Academy is now The Home Care CEO Forum, and our focus is connecting CEOs in the top tier of home care to one another, and to other resources who can help them grow their businesses and get ready for the future. We kicked of this new Forum yesterday with a Virtual CEO Round Table.
Tom Knox, CEO of SeniorCorp in Virginia Beach, VA was our special guest as he talked about his research into implementing the employer mandate from the Affordable Care Act. Tom will follow up Part I with a second session on December 17th to give your more details on the research we conducted on implementation of the ACA, and how SeniorCorp is making it work.
(Join Tom on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time for Complying with the Affordable Care Act, Part II)
As we move into 2016, The Home Care CEO Forum will become the place for top tier CEOs to gather both virtually and in person to share ideas, solve problems, and support one another.
If you would like to grow through OPE, then I’d encourage you to become an active member of The Home Care CEO Forum. Your annual membership will give you access to monthly Virtual CEO Round Tables providing in-depth discussions on the hottest topics in our industry. You’ll also be able to attend a Private Duty Field Trip, attend a live CEO Round Table, or join a Mastermind Group.
Become a Member Today.
The Home Care CEO Forum web site will launch shortly after the new year. Get a jump on OPE and become a member today of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care. Your membership will automatically shift to The Forum. Be a charter member of The Forum, and save money my joining now before the dues go up in January.