Grow Your Business with Five Simple Emails.

Stephen Tweed | August 18, 2014 | Newsroom
By Stephen Tweed This morning my dear friend, Chris Clarke-Epstein from Wausau WI sent out a Share on Facebook that caught my attention. "How to Make Your Life Better by Sending Out  Five Simple Emails."  It links to an article at Time magazine's web site by Eric Barker.  I read the article and realized how…

By Stephen Tweed

This morning my dear friend, Chris Clarke-Epstein from Wausau WI sent out a Share on Facebook that caught my attention.

“How to Make Your Life Better by Sending Out  Five Simple Emails.”  It links to an article at Time magazine’s web site by Eric Barker.  I read the article and realized how powerful it could be for all of us in home care.  If you are serious about growing your home care business, take five minutes and read this article.  Then take ten minutes a day to send out five emails.

Here are the five suggestions from Eric Barker

  1. Every morning send a friend, family member or co-worker an email to say thanks for something.
  2. At the end of the week, send your boss an email and sum up what you’ve accomplished.
  3. Once a week email a potential mentor.
  4. Email a good friend and make plans.
  5. Send an email to someone you know (but don’t know very well) and check in.

Now, let’s adapt this concept to growing your home care business.

  1. Every morning send an email to a caregiver or office staff member to say thanks for something
  2. Every morning send an email to the daughter or primary caregiver of a client just checking it see how they are doing
  3. Every morning, send an email to a past referral sources thanking them for a referral, and giving feedback on how the client is doing
  4. Every morning, send an email to a high potential referral source with an idea of value to help them with their business
  5. Every morning, send an email to one of your best referral sources inviting them to lunch or coffee.

What would the impact be on your business if you sent five personal emails every day?

If you are willing to try this, let us know.  If you actually do this, let us know the results you have achieved.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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