The Monday Morning Marketing Meeting – brand new from The Academy for Private Duty Home Care

Stephen Tweed | January 20, 2015 | Newsroom
One of the biggest challenges facing private duty home care companies in today’s marketplace is finding new clients when there is so much competition out there.  Research shows that there are over 24,000 companies out there doing what you do. They are not all in your community.  It just seems that way some days. Your local…

One of the biggest challenges facing private duty home care companies in today’s marketplace is finding newMMMM Full Screen Logo clients when there is so much competition out there.  Research shows that there are over 24,000 companies out there doing what you do. They are not all in your community.  It just seems that way some days.

Your local market is more competitive than ever before.

Our research over the past 25 years shows that the biggest challenge in marketing private duty home care is NOT finding new ideas.  It’s execution!

The highly successful companies we work with who are in the top 5% of our industry are not successful because they have the best ideas about marketing.  They are successful because they are the best at executing proven marketing techniques with excellence. It’s all about repetition and consistency.

To help you improve the execution of your marketing strategy, we want you to get the members of your home care team more involved.  To do that, our team at The Academy for Private Duty Home Care has created a totally new concept in the home care industry.

The Monday Morning Marketing Meeting is a monthly packet of information that you can use to engage your office staff and sales team in making your phone ring, converting callers to clients, and generating more WOMM – Word-of-Mouth Marketing. Whether you meet with your team on Monday’s at 10:00 am, or on Thursdays at 5:00 pm, you can use this valuable information to plan and conduct your weekly team meetings.

We want you to keep those meetings short.  Thirty Minutes max.  We want you to engage your team in great conversation, and we want you to help them learn and grow so that they can do a better  job of serving your clients … AND, serving MORE clients.

Objectives – As a result of actively using this material, you will be able to:

  1. Provide weekly training sessions for your team on the latest best practices in sales, marketing, customer service, and office operations
  2. Discuss key questions about the topic, and develop plans that you and your team can put into action
  3. Get the answers to any questions you have about home care marketing from the experts at The Academy for Private Duty Home Care®.
  4. Track the progress you are making in implementing your action plans and growing your business
  5. Increase your revenue, your gross margin, and your net income.


As a Premium Member of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care®, each month, you will receive by email a PDF file which contains the following pieces:

  • Agendas for four weekly marketing meetings
  • Links to two videos – 7 to 10 minutes in length
  • Links to Resource Videos for in-depth study
  • Discussion questions
  • Worksheets
  • Action Planners
  • Tracking Tools
  • Invitation to “Ask Stephen Tweed” live web conference


2015 Monday Morning Marketing Meeting Schedule*

Here are the topics we are planning for 2015. 

February“Dare to be Different” – As the home care marketplace becomes more and more competitive, it’s increasingly important that you have a strategy to be different from your competitors, and you and your staff know how to communicate that difference

March“Turn callers into clients” – You can grow your revenue without spending another penny on marketing by converting more inquiries into admissions.  Get your staff involved on improving your conversion ratio.

April – “Grow your WOMM – Word of Mouth Marketing” – The best way to grow your business is to have enthusiastic clients telling other people about their great experience.  Explore new ways to promote WOMM in your company.

May – “Get Your Clients Back when they go into the hospital” – When you client goes into the hospital, rehab center, or home health care, you often don’t get them back.  Here are proven ways to be sure they come back to you when they need in-home care again.

June – “Benchmarks and Best Practices in Home Care” – As the 2015 Private Duty Benchmarking Study comes out, we’ll look at industry data to see what we can learn about our home care company and how we compare to others in the industry.

July – “Get More Leads from your Web Site” – Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a critical ingredient in getting people to visit your web site, and to call for care.  Learn the latest techniques for improving SEO, and increasing the inquiries that come from your web site.

August – “Identify your Premier Customer” – Not all customers are created equal.  Find out who the individuals are who are prepared to buy high quality in-home care, to buy more hours per week, and to stay with you longer than average.  Increase your “Dollar Value per Client”.

September – “Make Your Phone Ring with Content Marketing” – Information is power.  The more you have information that is of value to your clients and referral sources, and the more you are positioned as an “expert”, the more likely they are to buy what you are selling.

October – “Use the Telephone to make Selling easier” – Save time and improve sales by using the phone to make telephone appointments and follow up with referral sources.  Learn the secrets of a little-known technique in the home care industry.

November – “People Buy from People they Like” – The research shows that clients and referral sources in home care buy from people they know and trust.  Explore new ways that every member of your team can build rapport and develop relationships with clients and referral sources.

December– “Who are your Best Referral Sources?” – Look back over the year to see where our clients came from, and which referral sources sent us the most valuable clients.  Then learn how to get more clients from those same sources.


* Note: This Schedule is subject to change as more timely topics emerge.

For those of you who are currently Premium Members of the Academy, watch your email for your monthly MMMM packet from Jill Scott.

For those of you who are not yet Premium Members of the Academy, we will be offering you a FREE Trial.  Stay tuned for information on how to get that FREE TRIAL packet.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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