November is National Home Care Month

Stephen Tweed | November 2, 2016 | Newsroom
  November is National Home Care  Month, and a great opportunity to reach out to your community to let them know about home care and your agency. Here are a few ways that your home care agency can help celebrate during this month: Show your support. If you haven’t been doing it all along, this…



November is National Home Care  Month, and a great opportunity to reach out to your community to let them know about home care and your agency.

Here are a few ways that your home care agency can help celebrate during this month:

  • Show your support. If you haven’t been doing it all along, this month is the perfect time to show your home care workers and volunteers that you appreciate them. You can do this by hosting and inviting them to a breakfast or lunch, and by telling them “thank you” for what they are doing.
  • Spread the word. Help raise awareness about home care and hospice by sending out a press release, writing a letter to the editor, or asking the library to set up a display. These small measures can help to raise awareness about home care and hospice.
  • Share with patients. Let your patients know that it is a month to celebrate getting quality care right in the comfort of their own home. Send out a little newsletter, write up a page for your Website, or send out each home care professional with a small gift of gratitude to be given to each patient.
  • Give an award. If you have a home care worker and volunteer who stands out and who has went above and beyond this year, give him or her an award to recognize the important contribution.

Home care and hospice are health care options that we should celebrate throughout the year. They allow people to get the help they need without having to go to a hospital to get it. Let’s help make November a special time of celebration to honor home care agencies, workers, and volunteers for all they do for patients around the country,


florida   Our friends at the Home Care Association of Florida have put together a very helpful page of ideas and resources to help you celebrate National Home Care Month.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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