Stephen Tweed Inducted into the Lock Haven University Business Hall of Fame!

Stephen Tweed | April 15, 2015 | Newsroom
By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services (and proud daughter) On Friday, April 10th, 2015, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania's School of Business inducted its Class of 2015 Business Hall of Fame, including our very own Stephen Tweed!  Starting in 2012, Lock Haven's Business Hall of Fame recognizes two or three alumni each year based…

By Jill Scott, Manager of Member Services (and proud daughter)

SCT LUHOF - in front of banner

On Friday, April 10th, 2015, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania’s School of Business inducted its Class of 2015 Business Hall of Fame, including our very own Stephen Tweed!  Starting in 2012, Lock Haven’s Business Hall of Fame recognizes two or three alumni each year based on their professional success, distinguished service and upstanding character.  During the Hall of Fame luncheon, not only were Stephen’s professional accomplishments highlighted, but also his journey from growing up in Lock Haven, to attending Lock Haven University, then to Clarion University for graduate school, and then down the various paths traveled to get where Stephen is today.  One common theme I heard from the students that interacted with Stephen over the 2 days of activities is how interesting it was to see that he didn’t necessarily set out in life to have the career that he has today.  They were impressed to see the journey he took with different jobs and companies before reaching the level of success he has today with Leading Home Care and Tweed Jeffries, LLC.  I think it gave the students hope that even if life doesn’t take you down the path you set out on, you can still be successful by working hard and learning along the way to eventually discover what you will love doing for the rest of your life.  And, as we all know, if you love what you do, then you’ll never work a day in your life.

During Stephen’s acceptance speech, he was able to express his appreciation to a number of mentors along his journey, including one of his first Boy Scout Camp Leaders that was also his 9th grade biology teacher and was actually at the luncheon. How special! And what a treat for me to be able to meet someone who has had such a lasting impression on my own Dad since he was a Boy Scout.  Stephen also mentioned those that mentored him at the local radio station and the then Dean of the Drama and Theater Department that advised him to do an independent study on the closed-circuit television system at the University because no one really knew anything about it or used it, so Stephen did two independent studies.

Stephen acknowledged that all of these mentors were so important in his life because they saw more in him than he saw in himself.   What an amazing testimonial!  And also what a lesson for us all to think about when we are looking back on our own personal and professional journeys.  Who has seen more in you than you were able to see in yourself and helped you take that next step in your journey?  And moreso, think about those in your personal life or in your company who you can clearly see more in than they see in themselves.

Papa showing Alexander his "trophy"
Papa showing Alexander his “trophy”

I am so proud of my Dad and all that he has accomplished personally and professionally.  It’s funny that he kept mentioning all of the people in his life that saw more in him that he saw in himself, because it made me realize that he is one of those people that has always seen more in me than I have seen in myself…of course, that’s what Dads do, right!?  But, as I was driving home on Saturday thinking about it more, I realized that he does it even moreso now that I work for him when he asks me to take on a project or task that I’ve never done before or may be out of my comfort zone.  Many times those are the things that I get more enjoyment out of as part of my “job” than the things that I do on a daily basis, even though sometimes it takes some additional guidance and practice before I actually feel like I’m doing things right.  So, thanks Dad, for seeing more in me than I see in myself – personally and professionally.

Ultimately, being inducted into the Business Hall of Fame at Stephen’s Alma Mater is a huge honor and I am so happy that Alexander and I were able to be there to celebrate him on this special day, along with Elizabeth, my Grandmother (Stephen’s mother), and Aunt Lisa (Stephen’s sister). Congratulations, Dad! We love you!

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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