Are you in the TOP 10% of Home Care?

Stephen Tweed | May 25, 2016 | Newsroom
According to the 2016 Home Care Benchmarking Report from Home Care Pulse, the companies at the 90th percentile in our industry have a median annual revenue of $4,541,244.  These are the companies in the TOP 10%.   Are you in the TOP 10%?  Would you like to connect with other CEOs in the TOP 10%?…

According to the 2016 Home Care Benchmarking Report from Home Care Pulse, the companies at the 90th percentile in our industry have a median annual revenue of $4,541,244.  These are the companies in the TOP 10%.  Ten %

Are you in the TOP 10%?  Would you like to connect with other CEOs in the TOP 10%?

If you are the CEO of a home care company that generates between $3.5 and $7 million in annual revenue, we would like you to become a member of the newest Home Care Mastermind Group – The TOP 10% Group.  This is a group of ten companies that will come together twice a year to share ideas, solve problems, and encourage one another.  This will be the third Home Care Mastermind Group sponsored by the Home Care CEO Forum.

Who Can Join?

To qualify for membership in The Top 10 % Mastermind Group, You must be an active principle or CEO of a home care company that generates $3.5 to $7 million in revenue.

  • You must be willing and able to attend and actively participate in two meetings per year of your group in locations to be selected by your group.
  • You must be willing to collect and report confidential operating data from your company.
  • You must be willing to abide by the policies and procedures established by your group.
  • You may not be a competitor with any other member of the group.

How Often Will We Meet?

The Top 10 % Mastermind Group will meet twice per year for at least two days.  Dates and locations will be determined by the group.

What Benefits do I get for my membership in this group?St. Louis 2 - Small

 As an active member in a Home Care Mastermind Group, you can expect to receive:

  • Two face to face meetings with your group members per year
  • The cost of meeting space, the opening dinner, lunch and breaks are included in your dues.
  • Interactive video conferences with your group between face to face meetings
  • Annual benchmarking reports showing comparative data for selected financial and operating indicators
  • Immediate feedback from members and the group facilitator on your company’s performance compared to the benchmarks
  • An annual membership in The Home Care CEO Forum
  • Monthly video meetings of the Virtual CEO Round Table

To apply for membership in this newly forming TOP 10% Mastermind Group, fill out the form at the bottom of the web page.

PS:  The 2016 Home Care Benchmarking Study is available now from Home Care Pulse.  You can download a Free Snap Shot Report now.

Join MM Group Button


Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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