Transforming the environment of a Hospice House with Healing Images

Stephen Tweed | July 9, 2011 | Newsroom
Do you know a hospital administrator or health care facility CEO who would like to magically transform the environment of their facility? Do you know someone who works in senior living who would like to create a more healing environment for seniors? Do you know someone who would like to transform the end-of-life experience for…

Do you know a hospital administrator or health care facility CEO who would like to magically transform the environment of their facility? Do you know someone who works in senior living who would like to create a more healing environment for seniors? Do you know someone who would like to transform the end-of-life experience for hospice patients?

I was on Face Book yesterday, and saw an amazing new post by my friend and fellow professional speaker, Dewitt Jones. Dewitt is an award winning photographer who once traveled the world for National Geographic. I have a fabulous photo he shot hanging on my office wall of fishermen in the fog on the River Tweed in Scotland. Having fished that river, the photo brings back wonderful memories. This beautifully frames image was a gift to me as I completed my term as President of the National Speakers Association in 2003.

Dewitt and several of his photographer friends have created an amazing new web site called Healing Images. They are making available at cost hundreds of their award winning photographs so that hospitals, senior living communities, and hospice houses can transform drab hallways into magnificent art galleries. The images they are making available are often breathtaking, and other times bring back wonderful memories and create peace of mind and quality of life.

Please take a few minutes to visit this web site. Then pass this information on to any health care facility administrators that you feel might be interested in transforming their buildings into a place of peace, harmony, and beauty.

I’d love your feedback. What do you think of this idea? Is this something that hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice residences would like to use to create a more healing environment? Give us your comments below or send me an email.

Best regards,
Stephen Tweed

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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