Grow Your Private Pay Home Care Business

Stephen Tweed | August 23, 2017 | Events and Opportunities, News and Views
Want to grow your Private Pay Home Care Business?   Join hundreds of other owners, CEOs, and C-suite leaders of private pay home care in Long Beach, CA on Sunday, October 15, 2017 for the National Association for Home Care and Hospice Annual Convention.  NAHC will host a pre-conference workshop on Key Strategies to Develop…

Want to grow your Private Pay Home Care Business?  

Join hundreds of other owners, CEOs, and C-suite leaders of private pay home care in Long Beach, CA on Sunday, October 15, 2017 for the National Association for Home Care and Hospice Annual Convention.  NAHC will host a pre-conference workshop on Key Strategies to Develop Your Private Pay Organization from 8:30 to noon.

Conquering the Crisis  

What is the biggest challenge facing you as the leader of a private pay home care company?  According to the 2017 Home Care Benchmarking Study from Home Care Pulse, the biggest threat to your business is the “Caregiver Shortage.”

How will this Crisis affect your agency?

What can you do about it?

What are other leaders in Private Pay doing about it?

The key element of this pre-conference workshop will be a presentation by Stephen Tweed, CEO of Leading Home Care … a Tweed Jeffries company.  Conqering the Crisis: Proven Solutions for Caregiver Recruiting and Retention will be based on Stephen’s new book by the same title.

In this highly interactive workshop. you will discuss the key elements of The Crisis.  You explore The Solution, and you will dig deeply into the seven steps of The System.

If you can’t find and keep caregivers, you can’t serve your clients and grow your agency.

It’s as simple as that.  Today, there is a major crisis facing Home Health agencies, Hospices, and Home Care companies.  There are not enough front-line caregivers to meet the huge demands of our aging population and a highly competitive in-home care marketplace.

In this interactive workshop, Stephen Tweed will guide you through three core elements:

  1. The Crisis – You need to understand the magnitude of the Caregiver Recruiting and Retention Crisis that Home Care Pulse calls “The Number One Threat to Home Care Agencies in the future.”
  2. The Solution – Agencies that want to grow need to have a strategy to create a “Culture of Attraction and Accomplishment.”  You need to be a great place to work in order to attract and retain top talent.
  3. The System– Stephen will explain a Seven Step System for attracting, selecting, on-boarding, and training high quality caregivers. Then he’ll describe in detail how to retain the best caregivers.

Here’s a short video invitation from Stephen Tweed:




Take Home a FREE Book.    

Everyone who registers for this pre-conference workshop will receive a complimentary copy of Stephen Tweed’s new book, Conquering the Crisis.  Loaded with facts, data, stories, and examples, this powerful book will be your guide to attracting the talent you need to take your agency to the next level.  If you are already in the private pay home care business, or you are thinking of getting into the private pay business, you’ll want to be in Long Beach for the 2017 NAHC annual meeting and Exhibition. And,  you’ll want to register for this powerful pre-conference workshop on private pay home care.

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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