What will the Future of Home Care Look Like?

Stephen Tweed | May 4, 2024 | News and Views, Research & Trends
What will your home care company look like five years from now? What will our industry look like? What are the factors that are shaping your future? These are some of the questions that were asked by our friends at AxisCare, the top rated home care software company. Back in the Fall of 2023, AxisCare…

What will your home care company look like five years from now?

What will our industry look like?

What are the factors that are shaping your future?

These are some of the questions that were asked by our friends at AxisCare, the top rated home care software company.

Back in the Fall of 2023, AxisCare reached out to Leading Home Care to explore ways that we could work together to better understand the forces and trends that are shaping the future of Home Care. Our conversation let to the design of The Future of Home Care: A 2024 Survey of the Home Care Industry & Future Trends.

A Collaborative Research Project

Working together, AxisCare, Leading Home Care … a Tweed Jeffries company, and The Home Care CEO Forum developed a survey questionnaire and asked leaders in the industry for their input. A total of 204 owners, CEOs, and industry leaders responded to the survey. We then tabulated the results, analyzed the data, and wrote a white paper. The marketing team at AxisCare then published the White Paper, and we are making it available to you.

Download the White Paper

The Key Findings

After a thorough analysis of the data and some in-depth discussions among the research team, we identified the following key findings.

  1. Home care leaders are systems thinkers, and the systems they want to focus on in the future are related to caregivers.
  2. Caregivers continue to represent a key challenge, posing the biggest hurdle to company growth
  3. Outside forces and trends are getting in the way of growth
  4. Leaders see significant growth opportunities in refining existing business operations
  5. The list of who pays for home care is shifting
  6. Technology will be a major factor in the future of home care

If you have been around the Home Care Industry for more than a week, none of these findings will surprise you. What may surprise you are some of the intricate elements of what we learned by looking at the answers from leaders of various sized Home Care companies. The CEOs of the Mega Companies see this industry and it’s future quite differently from the owners and CEOs of companies at the median.

This means that where your company fits into the size curve may affect how the forces and trends shape the future of your company, your local market, and how you fit into the industry.

Tune In for In-depth Analysis and Discussion

To help you digest these key findings and the supporting data, we will be conducting a series of online learning programs for various audiences. We begin on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 12:00 noon eastern time with an exclusive web conferences for those industry leaders who participated in the survey. If you completed the survey and gave us your contact information, you have received an invitation to this event.

The second online event is the Mastermind Town Hall for members of the Home Care CEO Forum. The companies who are members of Home Care CEO Mastermind Groups will have their own exclusive discussion of the results of this study.

At later dates to be determined, AxisCare will be hosting a public online event for their software users and prospective users. If you have connected with AxisCare in any way, you will be invited to this event.

Download the White Paper

About AxisCare

As the industry’s leading all-in-one home care software solution for both single and multi-location
home care agencies, AxisCare provides back-office scheduling and point-of-care solutions that
help agencies in all 50 states and four countries. Specializing in Private Pay, Medicaid, VA Billing,
and full-service Payroll, AxisCare’s state-of-the-art platform helps agencies track essential growth
metrics, maintain a healthy cash flow, achieve effortless compliance, and gain full control of their
operations so agencies can scale while staying focused on what matters most – providing the
best care possible. For more information, visit axiscare.com

About Leading Home Care

Leading Home Care is a consulting, publishing, and research firm that has been serving the Home
Care Industry since 2002. Founded by Stephen Tweed and Elizabeth Jeffries, Leading Home Care
has developed a pattern of serving the Home Care Industry by identifying trends and challenges
facing company leaders, conducting industry research, and finding solutions. They then present
their solutions and the supporting data through keynote speeches, learning seminars, online
learning programs, eBooks, eTools, and research reports. In 2013, Leading Home Care introduced
the Mastermind Concept to the Home Care Industry and started the first Home Care CEO
Mastermind Group. Leading Home Care can be reached at leadinghomecare.com.

About The Home Care CEO Forum

The Homecare CEO Forum is a network of owners and CEOs of home care companies in the top
tier of our industry who come together regularly to share ideas, solve problems, and support one
another. The Homecare CEO Forum was started in 2013 by Stephen Tweed and Elizabeth Jeffries
of Leading Homecare. The Forum grew to five mastermind groups and 55 member companies by
2023 when it was acquired by the Federal Way, WA firm of Jensen, Morgan, and Jones. The new
owner and CEO of the Homecare CEO Forum is Jensen Jones. The CEO Forum can be reached at

Stephen Tweed
Stephen Tweed, CSP, began his journey as a business strategist in home health care in 1982. Today, Stephen is among the top thought leaders in Home Care strategy and management. He has worked with top 5% companies from across the US. He is a sought after speaker at from national and state association events.

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